
Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy Belated New Year!

I know that I'm quite delinquent in getting a new post up and out, but I have to be honest, when we were in Hawaii the last thing I wanted to do was be on the computer. Sorry.  Then when we got back, there just seemed to be so much to catch up on.  So, here we are now the second week of January. Where'd the time go?  It's been a good 2012 for all of us.  We had a wonderful vacation on Maui visiting with family.  It's always so fun to see the cousins playing. They'll only sadly, buy the Santa Claus myth for such a short time more.  So I'm taking advantage!!! :)

We get to do so much fun stuff when we're in Hawaii. We did the traditional Christmas things, like baking cookies, hiding the Elves (Murphy & Eggolio..aka. Egg), opening one present on Christmas Eve.  But, we also had little adventures.  Sage and Kieran were taken on a whale sight seeing cruise by Grandpa and Grandma, while us big kids (Tamara, Shaun & me) went paragliding.  It was really fun (save for the motion sickness, Tam & I both got) it's a pretty incredible feeling to be running and suddenly you're flying in the air, above tree's and birds.  If you haven't done it before, but want to, I totally recommend it.

Shaun and I were able to get a little bit of us time and went on date to 5 Palms. It's a nice low key restaurant on the beach. The food was yummy and listening to the waves roll in is always romantic. It was nice to get a bit of time for just us, since it's much harder to get when we're home.  Thanks Grandparents!!!

We headed home on New Year's Eve....sadly no bubbly popped on the plane to celebrate. But, we had such a great trip that that was enough for me.

I hope you're all having a wonderful New Year! Enjoy the photo's!!



so fun



really pale



kieran & grandpa golfing

lining up a shot

tam & grandma

so cool

so cute

egg & murphy being naughty


mommys turn


show & tell



fashion victim

flower within flower

avery 5 palms

half smile

flip flops

oh christmas tree

looking up


tamara lavender farm

attempting to hike




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