
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wedding Bells

Last night our friends John and Christine were married down on the Jersey Shore. Contrary to popular belief (thanks MTV) the Jersey Shore is actually quite nice. Very different from the west coasts rough and rugged sea, the coast here is soft and rolling, the leaves just starting to turn colors. The couple picked a lovely spot to be married, replete with an old red water wheel and swans, surrounded by lush greenery and a pond. The sun was setting just as the kissed...perfect timing! You knew it was going to be a great party when once inside the bride's mother was on the dance floor as soon as the music started!! AWESOME!!! :) The couple danced and laughed the night away with family and friends, was serenaded to Sweet Home Alabama (John's originally a southern boy from Atlanta) and the night ended with the entire crowd singing and putting their hands in to Journey's, Don't Stop Believing. So much fun and love in the room!! Exactly what a wedding should be!!

So, congratulations once again to the new Mr. and Mrs. John H. Reid!!!! We wish all the happiness in the world!



 Shaun, Emo & Jimmy before the ceremony started

A radiant Christine with her father
Christine & John saying their, "I do's"
Christine being hoisted into the air!
 Party people gettin down! LOL! So fun! 
 Emo, Jenny & Jimmy having a good time!
 Shaun put his finger over the flash.  Oops! LOL! So, much for straightening my hair too! Humidity sucks!
 Getting low!
 All hands in!
 Jimmy, Shaun & the groom John
 Things are getting crazy!!! :)
 John with his father at the end of the night. 
 MJ in the house!
 Jimmy's doppelganger split his pants dancing!! LOL! That's a good party!
 Raise the roof!
 Rock-n-roll Shaun!
Matt serenading the couple..Sweet Home Alabama!
 Joanne showing us her dance moves!
 Preparing to be serenaded. :)
 Chris, Courtney, Me & Shaun

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