
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Mother Nature...Part I

So this week has been a busy one here on the east coast. First an earth quake, now Hurricane Irene is headed our way. A lot of our neighbors have been mandatorily evacuated, along with lower Manhattan. We moved our car to another garage to avoid flood damage and we're hoping we aren't going to get notice to evacuate. But better safe then sorry.  I've started taking picture's, not too much too show at this point and honestly, I'm hoping there won't be. But, here's part 1 of Irene!

Theme song for the hurricane...I've renamed it..Come on Irene!

 NOAA image...notice the smaller storm of to the right? 
 The rain is really just starting.  
 Sand bags..Now I feel safe! LOL!

 Thank God Target is safe!!!!!  ;)
 When a hurricane is coming, one should have a sleepover & eat ice cream!
 My sweetheart with his terrible new haircut!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Well we're back home on the East Coast now. It's dark and stormy today and boy am I missing Hawaii! Kieran's sure missing Grandpa and Grandma's swimming pool. He got so used to being able to roll out of bed and being able to run down stairs and hop straight into the pool, he didn't know what to do with himself today. Poor kid! LOL! It's hot and muggy today too, so a pool would have been nice. :)  As it was we got a nice cool down when the three of us got caught in a rain shower on a walk. Gotta love the sudden rain storms!!! :)

Here are the last of our Hawaii photo's. Sorry they aren't in order, but I hope you enjoy them. We had fun making the memories! :)



 I went totally touristy with my choice of cocktails at the was so super yummy! :)
 Crazy amazing Samoan, three time fire eating champ!
 Shaun wasn't a fan of this hula..totally a cliche! I thought it was fun!
 Our announcer
 Kieran learning the hula. :)

 I made brioched french toast one morning. First carbs in weeks!

 He was soooo happy to see his Daddy again!!!! :)

 Testing goggles in the pool before going snorkeling the next morning.

 Shaun had a super yummy pineapple mojito! 
 Crazy! Amazing!!

 Family at Mulligan's :)

 Football...sans the football : /
 My cutie! 

 Gotta have yer water gun!

 Um, yeah...not sure what these folks are thinking.

 Kieran's cherry sprite
 Grandma in motion

 Kieran surrounded by lots of cute older girls! ;)

 Shaun took me out to a romantic dinner & drinks :) <3

 Me at the luau

 Kieran watching them get ready to take the pig out. Kind of gross!

 We broke a lot of these rules! LOL!

 Shaun's favorite hula! She had the most amazing body!

 An incredible aerial hula!

 Getting his honu tattoo
 Enjoying the show together :)
 My love!

Collecting fish