
Saturday, August 13, 2011


Sunset's here are simply beautiful. They are a rainbow of colors, different each evening. Soft grey's and bright fiery oranges, with muted purples, the next evening something different. But, never a disappointment. Typically we sit on the lanai and enjoy a glass of wine or a cocktail and watch the sun set slowly over the Pacific. The other evening we went down to watch the sun set with a picnic and a couple glasses of wine on the beach. It's very romantic. The slow setting of the sun, like lovers taking too long to say goodnight. The soft breeze blowing the palms, and the waves rolling in steadily, while sitting on a bed of the softest of sand and the magical music of giggles from children, or rather Kieran playing with his Grandpa.

I have also finally had the picture's developed from my sea kayaking adventure. They came out grainy..but I guess you get what you pay for. Still you get the idea and it'll be cool to look back and know that we made it and be able to admire the rugged beauty of Mokuluas Island (coral be damned!). ;)  



Sand angel

 A group of tourists enjoying sunset

 Goodnight Moon
 Our normal lanai view
Playing in the pool :)
 Jen & I after we finally made it!!! :)
 Jen pulling the kayak further onto the beach.
 Leona, getting her shot in front of the other can't visit..birds only
 Leona & I :)

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