
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Big Day

So today was my little niece Sage's first day of kindergarten and anyone with little people knows this is HUGE! They start to feel officially, well, big! It's exciting and also a bit bittersweet, as a parent, because your baby is no longer a baby. They're starting to step out on their own, little by little. But, they love coming home from school and sharing with you all the cool stuff they've learned and boy oh boy do their little minds take in a lot!! :) We all know Sage is going to be an AMAZING kindergartener! After all, she's an amazing little girl! We love you Sage Moon!! Here are some photo's of the fun we had together when she was visiting all of us on Maui.



Blowing raspberry's at me! LOL!
 Auntie's toes...
 Sage's totally awesome blinged out toes!!!

 Fancy fingers :)

 Seeing Cars 2 with cousin Kieran

 They were "wedding" dancing in Starbucks! 

 To perform or not? 

Making rain, as we sang Queen's Boheman Rhapsody! LOL!

 Kieran jumping in after Sage. :) 

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