
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Mother Nature...Part I

So this week has been a busy one here on the east coast. First an earth quake, now Hurricane Irene is headed our way. A lot of our neighbors have been mandatorily evacuated, along with lower Manhattan. We moved our car to another garage to avoid flood damage and we're hoping we aren't going to get notice to evacuate. But better safe then sorry.  I've started taking picture's, not too much too show at this point and honestly, I'm hoping there won't be. But, here's part 1 of Irene!

Theme song for the hurricane...I've renamed it..Come on Irene!

 NOAA image...notice the smaller storm of to the right? 
 The rain is really just starting.  
 Sand bags..Now I feel safe! LOL!

 Thank God Target is safe!!!!!  ;)
 When a hurricane is coming, one should have a sleepover & eat ice cream!
 My sweetheart with his terrible new haircut!

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