
Saturday, July 14, 2012


Fashion Show & First Tooth Lost!
Today was a super busy, super fun day, with my very favorite two little people. The first part of the day was spent with my adorable little niece Sage. I love getting to spend girly time with Sage, doing all sorts of fun things that little boys really don't want to do. :) We started our morning with a trip to Starbuck's. Me coffee, her vanilla milk, before heading to lunch at CPK..her choice. Not that I was's pizza! Next, it was time for a bit of a fashion show a JCrew. She was hysterical and soooo much fun!!! The sales clerk and I totally agree that she could be the next Crew Cuts model. After the fun of shopping we headed over to the Lego store to pick a little something up for Kieran as a surprise. :) Lego's in hand, we headed to Punahou to meet Kieran and play at the lily pond for a bit. The lily pond is always fun. The kids have the best time trying to catch guppy's and watching all the turtles and big fish swim around. Unfortunately, one little girl got a little too excited and took a swim! She wasn't hurt and she could swim, just a little freaked out and the lily pond water isn't exactly water you'd want to go swimming in voluntarily. From there, we went to pick out a movie, for pizza and a movie Friday. Kung Fu Panda 2 was the resounding winner. After dinner, a mini fashion show, to show Sage's mommy, what she'd gotten, dinner and the movie, we said good night to Auntie Tamara and cousin Sage. As, Kieran was getting into bed (very late I might add) I noticed that his lose tooth was basically hanging out. I told him I though he needed to go into the bathroom and take a look. Sure enough! He went in to look at it, he asked me to wiggle it and when I did it popped out!!! What a busy day!!!! :) I hope you all had a fantastic Friday too!!!
work it outfit 2 outfit 1 fashion show the winner happy little girl Sage waiting for lunch at CPK Sage's pizza Aunties pizza turtle love sitting pretty princess litle soldier here he comes guppy hunting cousins concentration lost his first tooth 1st baby tooth gone keep it cool

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