
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

You Can't Always Go Home....

Well, I shouldn't say you can't go home, just that it doesn't always work out as you hoped.  This post is dedicated to my husband, Shaun.  Who, a couple of months ago said to me, "I want to go home." Which has started us on this journey that we now find ourselves on.  He, still in New York. Kieran and I currently in Honolulu.  I should state first, that my husband is the hardest working man I know. People often think I'm over exaggerating when I say I never see him, but he works an average of 65-80 hours a week. So, I'm not really exaggerating at all you see. My husband isn't one of those crazy men that has to prove to everyone that he's successful so he beats them all to the office. He works those hours because there's that much works...more honestly.  Plus, (point of pride) he is successful and not in a flashy look at me way, but in that subtle, quite, confident way that only someone that really knows what they're doing can be. :)  But I've gone off topic. Shaun, would have stayed working long hours for the next 40 years, if  I'd said no, to his wanting to come home. I did not however, and we stated with the unraveling of our East Coast lives. We let the school know that Kieran would not be back next year, we got rid of all those pesky winter clothes we'd know longer be needing in those too long Februaries. The list goes on, but you get my point.  So, the day came when teary eyed the little man and I said see you in August to daddy and headed to our new home state! Well, at least we thought it was going to be.  It would turn out that in less than one month all of plans would unravel. When things unravel with a young child it's a lot harder than with two adults, but not impossible.  Harder, still when the hardest working person you know calls you apologizing for letting you down, when it wasn't their fault in the first place.  Communication, is often the hardest thing for people to learn throughout their lives, but without proper communication a great deal of hurt and damage can often without meaning to or fault be done.

So, I can't tell you where we are going to live in the next month, which as a mother terrifies me. But, life has thrown us some pretty big curve balls in the past and together we've managed them, so I have to believe that we'll be okay this time too, because we have each other.


-A me & daddy by the pool gotcha lovey kieran with daddy and mommy

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