
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dragon Boats

Today Kieran and I headed down to Ala Moana beach park to cheer Cooper and Fletcher's grandpa on while his team, the current reining champs rowed too keep their their titles! This year to make things harder they had new boats...with no DRAGONS on them! How can you have a dragon boat race with no dragon? For starters, it makes the boats really rocky...several capsized! Which as a spectator was interesting, but not so good for the teams. Joe's team did well and went on to the final round...go Joe! Couldn't resist, sorry! LOL! We didn't end up staying to watch the final race though, it was hot and the boys were all getting a tab bit restless, so we all headed our separate ways.  A fun afternoon behind us all. :)

Kieran and I wandered over to the bookstore. I can't pass up a bookstore. We ended picked up a few books for Kieran...ones he can read too me! :) Then we finally headed home. But, once here we decided we still felt like being we headed out on a walk. We headed over to Boston Pizza for dinner, it seemed the most appropriate place to eat since Shaun's in Boston this weekend visiting friends and seeing the sights. We also found an old Chinese cemetery, that is now used as a theatre...strange! We wandered around and I tried my best to answer life and death questions for Kieran in an upbeat and honest way. I'm pretty sure I sounded Buddhist. I never quite know how to answer these things without feeling like I could be warping him for life.

On the way home I watched a dad helping his two young boys learn to ride their bikes, the joy on their little faces was simply infectious. Its the simple things like that that I miss most about living someplace simpler, smaller. It's those things that I wish Kieran could experience. I know that he gets too experience things that so many other children don' many other children can call The Met their local museum, or Central Park their playground? But, occasionally, I think we all think the grass looks greener on the other side.



Beach boy :)

We saw these two cuties at Barnes & Noble & I asked their parents if I could take their picture. The little one was so sassy! Love it!

 For Shaun <3

We ordered one slice of pizza each & this is what we got! 

 Hey Cooper! We named a street after you buddy! ;)

 This looks like it belongs back east too me.


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