
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July?! Already?!

I can hardly believe that Kieran and I have been in Hawaii for nearly a month. The time has flown past. We’ve been having such an amazing time! This week we took to the waves and went surfing. Yes, surfing! Kieran was amazing!! Seriously, amazing! I got up on my first wave and was pretty proud of myself. Surfing is a hell of a lot harder than it looks. It’s also, so much fun! J I can see how people become addicted. We were taken to a local beach, and for the most part only taken out on smallish waves, and yet, you still feel how powerful mother nature is, and how (okay going to be gushy here), freaking amazing it is, to be able to literally be able throw yourself into her mix and play for a while. I got pretty beat up surfing, but it was absolutely worth it. I would do it again tomorrow, even though, yes, I totally fell more times than I got up, and yes, my bum is sun burnt, and yes, I think I drank half of the Pacific and yes, I was not the most graceful looking person out there, but I had a hell of a lot of fun!!!! J But, wow, what a total rush when you are riding that wave. It’s an amazing feeling. More than that for me though, was looking over and seeing Kieran, riding wave after wave!! He was a total rock star! Seriously! Kieran the next Kelly Slater? Maybe. LOL! 

Kieran, got to share his surfing adventure’s with two friends that just arrived into town yesterday. He was super excited to have kids visiting! They arrived just in time too to help ring in Independence Day. The kids had a great time, playing and dancing and eating loads of spaghetti, and watching a great fireworks show. It was a great 4th of July! J

I hope you all had an amazing holiday, too!



heading into the water w/my board
Kieran training in the sand before heading into the water
getting to his feet for the first time

go Kieran!!!
trying to stand...
standing!!!!  yippeee!!!!!
serious respect for surfers now! Especially since....
I got this raised nasty bruise on one side and...
this on the other. Plus, bruised ribs and I was little waves!
where a piece of coral or rock went straight into my foot. Awesome! 

the band was amazing!
Alex getting Kieran! LOL!

babyface's at sunset
my beautiful sister-in-law Tamara
 Robin enjoying her cocktail
my gorgeous little niece
 Alex & Ania going local! LOL!
sweet little Sofia
 my handsome little boy!
 Alex w/his cute paper mustache! LOL!

 Sofie catching rain! How freakin cute is she?

 chasing each other. lol!

 childhood rocks!

 smiley face!!!! 

Happy 4th of July!!!

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