
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Robin's Visit

Aloha! It’s been a crazy week. My girlfriend Robin has been in town visiting this week and I think we've pretty much made it our mission to hike everything.  Okay, so that’s a HUGE exaggeration, but we been trying to squeeze as much activity as you can into a week, and still try and make it relaxing. Morning=activity. Afternoon=Kieran. Evening=Restaurants and Cocktails. Not a bad combo. We did manage too, to fit in a belated birthday celebration for Robin. We spent the morning being pampered, and then went to the Moana Surfrider for afternoon tea and lunch. It’s the oldest hotel in Waikiki, and gorgeous! We had a great time at lunch. The food was amazing. Not to mention the views! 

We took Kieran on his first hike over the weekend. He was such a trooper! We hiked the Pill Boxes in Kailua. Gorgeous! Seriously, amazing views of Lanikai. Then we went to Buzz’s for lunch. It’s right across from Kailua Beach. Buzz’s is famous on Oahu and has a really good steak, at a great price!  Plus, it’s super casual, and the service is really good. 

Diamond Head and the holiday weekend’s = stupid, crazy busy! We, decided we would do the Diamond Head together, which after my first experience seemed like a great idea. It was still beautiful, but took twice as long. We got some amazing pictures and Robin enjoyed it, so that's what counts. 

We are going surfing tomorrow, which should be an experience! LOL! Waves on this side of the island are the biggest this time of the year, so I’m actually a little nervous. Robin and I are convinced that Kieran is going to be better than both of us. LOL! J  If the pictures aren’t too embarrassing I might put some up.  Maybe?

Monday, for the 4th, we’re going to the Outrigger. It should be a good time. I’ll be sure and take lots of pictures. We’ll have a good view of the fireworks from Waikiki, which I’m excited to see…the big kid in me, still gets excited. J 

Have a great holiday weekend!



Robin's first day in Hawaii...go to the beach!
Kieran & Robin were building a sand castle..she wouldn't let me take a picture.

sand castle completed. :)

Kieran's little hands

at the Surfrider

Mango good!

The birthday girl

wild flowers on the Diamond Head hike

Robin @ the halfway lookout

At the top...not the cutest picture. It was hot!

Robin & me at the top! :)

Pill Box hike

 Clearly enjoying his first ever hike! :)

Robin at the mid-point

Rough neighborhood.

I think he likes nature!!


 Showing off his muscles after the hike. LOL!

 Fun with french fries

 So excited when he saw this, "SUPER cool" monster truck!

 Stationary bike! LOL!

 Sidewalk art

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