
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Schools Out!

Since summer school got out last Friday, Kieran and I have been busy visiting friends and family and sightseeing. It's been super fun! It's so cool watching him experience things for the first time. It's a fun chance for me to get to be a kid again too. :)

This weekend we headed to the other side of the island to visit Auntie Tamara, cousin Sage, and Kai. They made us a really yummy breakfast too! Portuguese sausage is super tasty if you haven't tried it. Then they took us to their local beach which they've renamed, "Little Pools," for the little pools of water which are normally there and fun to play in. However, we got fun, big waves, and a visit by a baby monk seal! Amazing!! It was really cool watching Kieran and Sage splash around in the water together. It really makes me wish they could see each other more than twice a year. But, I'm happy they get that; it's a good thing for both of them. I think someday they'll really appreciate it. :)

Today, Kieran and I hiked Diamond Head. It's kind of becoming my new hang out. LOL! It was hot out! Kieran was a trooper! He did so good. I was such a proud mama!!  Especially considering I forgot the water...luckily another set of hikers, saw a very red faced littler Kieran and offer him water. Thank you!!!  He loved the hike and chatted the whole way.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.


Having fun in the surf.. :)
Tamara & Kai  our hosts 
Sage chillin in the water

Our sweet little visitor.

Isn't this the cutest face?
At the start of our hike

Kieran looks like he's in a cave
Tunnel vision
I got 99 problems and....well they're a lot of stairs! LOL!
Finally the top! :)

 View of Waikiki

Shot on our way down

 Kieran asked me to take a picture of him. Then he told me that what he thought of the hike. :)


These evening Kieran and I went exploring around the house and took picture's of a few things we found. SO here are a few extra's.
 This is the flower of a passion fruit. I think they're amazing.

 We found this little birds nest on the lawn. We're hopeful that the little birds were already born!


 Dutch door. So great!
 This little bird has a ducklike beak.

 Kieran with the avocado we picked off the tree. The avocado's are huge here! Guacamole!

 Passion fruit

 It wouldn't be Hawaii without a rainbow!

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