
Monday, July 11, 2011

Sea Life Park & Waikiki

My girlfriend Ania and her two children left today after a week long visit. It was so great getting to spend time with all of them. Kieran especially loved having other kids to run around and play with. He was bummed out this morning when he was getting ready for school, he didn't want to see his new friends go home. It's always hard when people you like leave. But, I assured him, we would visit them. It's an excuse for him and me to get out west more often! :)

Here are a few picture's of our trip to Sea Life Park, where we went swimming with Manta Rays and Kieran even managed to be bitten by one. Poor kid! LOL!  As well, as our evening in Waikiki. I hope you all had a great weekend too!



Monkey's entering the park. ;)
Sea Turtle or honu in Hawaiian
Diving buddies

Kieran w/the Ray
Poor Alex was afraid of the Ray

 I love penguins! They're so cute!!!

 We managed to find the rockiest beach in Hawaii after the park. But, the kids had fun.

 We had dinner at the club that night. The kiddo's were exhausted! So were the mommy's!
 The boys hard at work making S'more's. So fun!! :)

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