
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Champagne Sunday’s

What better way to wind down a stormy spring weekend than going for a relaxing manicure and pedicure and coming home to a yummy champagne dinner with my two favorite boys! The weathers stayed in the mid-sixties but we’ve had intermittent thunderstorms, so this weekend was great for running errands and getting things done around our apartment. We surprised Kieran and took him to Best Buy and got him his kindergarten graduation gift a wee bit early (a Nintendo DSi XL). He was over the moon excited! So is mommy! It’s going to be a lifesaver on the long plane ride to Hawaii that’s fast approaching.  I can hardly believe the school year is nearly over and my little kindergarten is almost a first grader; how the time truly flies!   I've been really really bad about taking pictures lately, but I've included a few from things we've been up to lately. Promise to be better when I get to Hawaii. I hope you all had an amazing weekend.

 Pretty fingers & toes after today's mani & pedi.

Kieran & his buddy already master of the iphone gaming! 
Little brother's always have to be the villians. But they're all such cute boys!

Various shots of our neighborhood.
 Lower Manhattan, from Jersey City.
 Lady Liberty on a sunny day.


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