
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Shaun and Kieran really went out of their way this year to make me feel like an extra special mommy. The made me my very favorite gluten-free Belgian waffles with fresh berries and banana's, with fresh preserves and even served them to me in bed with Starbuck's!! Heaven!!! Honestly it doesn't get any better than that for me or so I thought, but then my lovely boys took my out for a long walk (something I love to do when the weather is nice enough back here) and they took me shopping at one of my favorite little local boutique’s Tia's Place. Neither of them is a huge fan of shopping so it was very sweet of them both to sit there while I tried several things on and modeled them for them getting yes's and no's, finally deciding on a few items for our upcoming trip to Hawaii. I've shared a few pictures of some of the fun we had below. My boys surprised me one last time by taking me to dinner. It was a really lovely day, being able to enjoy the wonderful spring weather with my boys and just be able to laugh and play and cherish the times we have together.

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