
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hawaii Vacation Countdown

10 That’s the big number today. Ten days until Kieran and I leave on our super summer vacation! This summer Kieran and I will be spending 10 weeks in Hawaii! Kieran and I will be spending 8 weeks of our 10 week vacation on Oahu and the last two weeks on Maui visiting Grandma and Grandpa. Kieran will be going to summer school at the Punahou School (where his daddy went to school) in the mornings, giving us lots of time in the afternoon to play at the beach and go exploring! We’re both really excited about being able to spend time with family that lives on the islands (Auntie Tamara and Cousin Sage, Grandma and Grandpa), as well as being able to experience a little of what it was like for Shaun growing up in paradise. It’s such a wonderful experience for Kieran to get out and be all boy!!!

Kieran & me at Outrigger
Sage & Kieran making cookies for grandma
On a submarine & super excited!
Auntie Tamara & Sage opening Christmas gifts!!! Aren't they beautiful?
Lovely rainbow
Grandpa & Grandma meeting us at the airport

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