
Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday…Fundant Day!

Well, actually it was Sunday fondant day, but since the kiddo’s actually got the cupcakes with the little fondant book toppers today I thought I’d go with the theme. I wish I felt better. I woke up sick yesterday and I still feel pretty yucky today. I’d love nothing more than to crawl back into bed, under the nice warm cozy blankets and fall fast asleep. Unfortunately, my little man would probably not be having any of that. Not that I blame him. I’m pretty sure at 5 years old, I demanded that I was the center of the universe and rightly so. I was the Mystery Reader in Kieran’s kindergarten class today and OMG they were all so freakin cute!! I read a story about a boy who eats books and gains knowledge until he eats too many books and things start to get mixed up and then he decides it’s probably a better idea to read the books; besides his library bills is getting a bit steep. It’s so cute and a few of the kids actually thought eating the books might make their little brains bigger. So cute! I hope you enjoy the pictures (I forgot to take any of the finished cupcakes..sick brain..sorry!).
Here we go!

All the stuff to make the little book toppers!

Lookin good :)

Ball of paste

Going green

Making books


Books w/bites taken out....thanks Holly!!

Sick Mommy w/her little guy! <3

Mystery Reading Mommy!



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