
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Date Night

Last night Shaun and I had a much needed date night courtesy of my girlfriend Holly. Kieran had a sleep over at her house with his buddy Evit. He was so super excited! It was his very first buddy sleep over. He’d had a sleep over with his girlfriend Ella, but never one of his guy buddy’s and he was over the moon excited. His Daddy took him to McDonald’s to get happy meals for him and Evit to start off their fun playtime. Holly sent texts and emails of their adventures and they seemed to be having an awesome time! Thanks to Holly and Brendan!!!!  J

Shaun and I headed into the City for drinks and dinner. We ended up choosing this place called the Pink Tea Cup for drinks. Plus the name matched my very pink shoes which were one hell of hit. We were seriously stopped several times over my shoes or people yelled out cute shoes. That’s the great thing about Chelsea, fabulous shoes get lots of attention!! J It was a Southern place decked out to look like NOLA. The drinks were amazing. I had a pink mojito, which a fusion of champagne, x-vodka and fruit juice. It was so good!!! Shaun tried a few things and finally decided mine was the yummiest! J  There was tons of military personal walking about as its fleet week, so we’re thinking of taking Kieran into the City this weekend to see the ships. He’s such a boy he’ll love it. The City’s great to go into on Memorial Day weekend though because it’s really quite (well for New York) because most people head out to the Hampton’s, up to the Cape or out to the Shore for the first summer weekend and the weather couldn’t be better, it’s nearly 90 here with beautiful bright blue skies. After a few cocktails we headed over to Surya our favorite Indian restaurant in the City for our dinner reservations. We sat outside in their lovely back garden. The food is so yummy and they have the best cocktails. If you like curry and you’re in New York City; it’s worth a trip to Chelsea!!! You get great food, cocktails and service. We ended the night with another round at our local bistro Amelia’s. It was a really great night. Happy Memorial Day weekend to all of you!!! I hope you’re all doing something fun too!!! J

Evit defending the universe!

Jedi Master's on their ships
After a hard day of defending the universe treats are in-order

Dress: Zara, Belt: really old don't remember, Shoes: Zara, Bag: American Apparel , Jewelry:  F21, Hamilton & Co, Tiffany's, Sunglasses: Chanel 

My shoes were a HUGE hit
Tom Jones!!!!

Cool wall of keys

Fake flower

Amazing pink mojito!

Isn't he handsome!!
The strange things you see in NYC
In Surya's garden

Taste yummy!

Chicken Vindaloo


Night cap at Amelia's

Sometimes in life you have to spin!

Trying not to tip over!!J 

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