
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Happy Day of Rapture!

Happy Day of Rapture or as I like to call it Saturday!! J This weekend has already been a busy one, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. I have lots of new pictures to share with you (I hope you like them; I’m still very new at this photography thing). It’s been raining on and off here in New York all week, so we’ve been stuck in the house, but yesterday I finally decided rain or not we were getting out! We hopped on the PATH train and headed to 33rd street to do some shopping and then meet up with Shaun when he was finished working. Can I just say how amazing my little man was dealing with the craziness of 34thSt. on a Friday. He rocked! I got a few really cute things at Zara, but decided not to torture Kieran by going any further, one store is enough for a 5 year old little boy and he’d been so good.
Local & tourists...took this before heading into Zara.
Looking down Broadway on 34th
When Shaun caught up to us we decided to take the subway to Soho and walked into the Village for dinner. The funny thing about walking around NYC with a giant camera around your neck is that everyone assumes you’re a tourist and they’re all really nice to you. Try it sometime locals. It’s very amusing.  By the time we got off the subway the rain finally decided to stop!! J  It was a gorgeous night and we had some really yummy Mexican food and even yummier drinks at a little place on Prince St. 
Meeting with Daddy
Deciding where to go next
Entrance to a little park near the subway.

Captivating lady with no shoes on her feet
Heading to SoHo
Enjoying the Ride
Our stop
Window full of birdhouses
Cool townhouse....maybe someday...sigh
My sweetie

Cool wall art

Where we had dinner
Oh yeah, definitely go to try these!!

Yummy margarita's!!!
Strawberry w/fresh strawberry's yum!
Happy w/my super tasty drink!

Today we got up walked over to our little local farmer’s market and met the absolute cutest new little neighbor, Henry! He’s a 5 month old British Bull dog and so cute. Kieran must have agreed because he has told me he wants a Henry! But really who wouldn’t, look at that little face!!!! Right?

Little park by our apartment
Farmers market

Isn't this the cutest face you've ever seen?!?!?!

We then walked over to our local Starbuck’s (because I’m an addict and need SA…Starbuck’s Anonymous) to visit our favorite barista’s and get some tasty coffee’s. I got lucky and they made me the wrong size so I got not one but TWO coffees’, making me super happy and super caffeinated.  Can we say happy Avery! We wandered our neighborhood a bit before heading into lunch and out of the rain. We may go to a rapture looting party tonight and spend tomorrow counting our loot with the rest of the sinner’s that somehow don’t manage to get collected today. But, in case the rapture doesn’t happen I might stick to my original plan of making cupcake’s for my mystery reader day in Kieran’s class on Monday, since I think it’s safer to be prepared. I’ll post pictures of the finished product since I’m attempting to use fondant for the first time. Wish me luck!! I hope you’re all having a great weekend!!!!


Our street

He's on the fence about something.
Blue steel

Yippee 2 coffee's!!!!



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