
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Some Kind of Beautiful

I’ve lived a lot of places over the years and I’ve come to find that beauty means very different things to everyone. While the some people love the concrete, steel architecture and bustle of the big city, others prefer natures beauty be it soaring mountains or the trade winds coming off the ocean. Beauty can be found in pretty much everything that surrounds us day-to-day if you open yourself up to it and look for it. Kieran and I have been sick the last few days and whenever I’m sick it always makes me so much more appreciative of the lovely simple things that are all around me every day. Below are some things I think are lovely, some are grand, and others are simple. What do you find beautiful?

Things I Find Beautiful
Clark Gable reminds me of my Grandma. Plus look at him!  Gorgeous!!

Gene Kelly...need I say more.

Jimmy Stewart, sweet stand up sort of guy. Plus he seemed to have a sense of humor.

Civil Wars - Barton Hallow

Coffee is my friend
View from my in-laws back lanai
Baryshnikov genius
Cozy and simple
Gregory Hines made dance look effortless and his smile is infectious! 
Are you sensing a theme
The pool outside the cozy room...perfection.
Mango champagne bellini..yes please! for the recipe.
Pancakes are my very favorite!!!
Strawberry mint refreshing for the hot summer weather.  Go to  for the recipe.
So fun!
I want to do this!
Peony Heaven
Gorgeous Gwyneth 


Kieran future surfer boy!!! <3
Kieran's first day home cuddled in bed with daddy.
My beautiful little niece Sage with Kieran. They're so freakin cute!!!

OMG! How true it is! :)
Missing Hawaii! She's so beautiful!

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