
Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Force is Strong with You

“Do or do not…there is no try,” Wise words, Master Yoda. Today, the force was strong with me, and I finally conquered the dreaded AT-AT Walker (see the classic picture above). Making Kieran one extremely happy little boy. Now, much like Jedi training, this was not a fast endeavor, and because I knew it wasn’t going to be we’d set out to make the day ALL about Star Wars.

First, it’s been Kansas windy here. I think if you clicked your heels together and said there’s no place like home, you might actually, “poof” be transported. So, with, the crazy wind in mind, Kieran and I thought it would be fun to walk down to the market and get the things we needed to make pancakes…for lunch! Because, yes, I need a bigger ass, while living in paradise! But, sometimes, you need’s true.  Pancakes=Happiness. Somehow, we got lucky and had the wind at our backs, (both ways, score) making the trip seem a lot faster than’s about two miles round trip. Plus, we stopped for mommy coffee. J 

Once we got back to the house and the groceries were unloaded, I got busy with starting the pancakes. While Kieran, went to protect the Galaxy. The first pancake…Yoda, didn’t make it, or as Robin pointed out…somehow, I had it in me to bring Yoda over to the dark side…burnt, stuck to the mold..not edible...gross. Well, I think you get the picture. Which is good, because I forgot to take one. Daft! The second pancake…Darth Vader, was much better! Although, that was the last one I made. Not having Pam or a pot holder was making it way too hard! But, I’ll try gain. J Kieran, was over the moon! He LOVED his Vader pancake!! It was so frigin cute watching him get that excited about a pancake.

After, stalling for over an hour on the phone, I finally got busy working on my Lego project. I diligently sat on the floor staring at two booklets of directions for nearly five hours, until it was at long last, FINISHED!!!  Kieran was so happy when it was finally done and I said there it is, you can play with it that he just sort of looked at me and smiled. Silent in disbelief that he could really go play with it. That is was real…that it was finally his. But, he got over that soon enough and had Luke, hanging off of its leg, trying to take it down. Being a kid is awesome!

Friday, turned out to be random, since he apparently doesn’t have swim lessons but we drove out there thinking he did. But, we made the most of the night and came home and had a bbq and movie night.
Tomorrow, we’re going adventuring along the Pali, to see what we can find. Look for picture’s.



Vader..his nose has had a little work done.
 5 hours later it's complete!!! 

 Busy playing
 My happy little boy

Looks like the Dark Side lost!
I walked to pick him up on Friday and got to watch him play tennis for a little bit.

 Baby bananas
 Medium bananas
 Bird of Paradise

 He didn't want to walk home at first and really didn't want his picture taken.
 The hills along our road. So pretty. 

 Our house. 

 Pretty pink stars

 Cool trunk
  and he's

 Bid bananas

 Our view

We have no idea what this is.

Cool graffiti


This weeks picture's are clearly not all in order. Sorry. But, I hope you still enjoyed them. J