
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hawaii…2 More Days

Kieran and I are off on our Hawaiian summer adventure in only two days now and the little guy is officially EXCITED! He is talking non-stop about all the cool stuff he wants to do when we get there, which now includes diving (Grandma made and sent him the coolest book!), he wasn't too happy with me when I told him he was still too little to go, but I quickly reminded him that he does get to go body surfing while we’re on Oahu and take actual surfing lessons when we get to Maui. That seemed to do the trick, because he was back to telling me how good of a surfer he is without a single lesson being had. J

I got most of the packing done today, which was a huge accomplishment, because I hadn’t even started! So I’m really relieved to have so much of it now out of the way!!  I’m starting to get really excited myself too and think of some of the fun things I’d like to do while Kieran’s in summer school in the mornings.  Namely I am really excited to try stand up paddle boarding. Not only is it supposed to be a great workout, but it looks super fun! Then, there’s the hike to the top of Diamond Head. Every time I’ve been to Honolulu, I’ve said I want to do it and for one reason or another it never seems to happen, well no excuses this time, I will make it to the top. Be on the lookout for pictures!! Shaun is also sending me on a sort of scavenger hunt, only this is a lighthouse hunt. It is my mission while on Oahu to photograph all of the lighthouses on the island, but he won’t tell me how many there are and I can’t Google! Lastly, I may give surfing a shot, embarrassment be damned. No video camera’s allowed, please. I figure if I can get paddle boarding down, I should at least try least once. I mean how hard can it be? Ha ha ha! 


Almost here!!!
Oahu from the air

Good-bye New York hello Honolulu!!!
Pretty local flowers
I think this speaks for itself
The falls above our house

Lanterns floating on Ala Moana Beach
A very yummy looking Blue Hawaiin
Diamond Head...the hike I will finally get to do!!!
How cute is this one should bright blue bikini?
Ha ha!
Stand up paddle boarding. So excited to do this!
Making it look easy!
This is out on the to North Shore
North Shore
Surfer at pipeline
Bonzai Pipeline North Shore
Multiple surfers North Shore
Lani Kai
A little guy surfing. How cool!
One of the lovely beaches in Maui
Falls in Maui
Surf boards in Maui

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