
Friday, June 3, 2011

Summer Vacation Begins!!!

So today was Kieran’s last day of kindergarten. It was really sad; for me. When I got to the school his class was freeing their butterfly (the other two had died…sad) and they were all so excited to watch it fly free. What a great metaphor for the beginning of summer vacation as a kid; all the freedom and the endless possibilities.  Ah, to be a kid again, sometimes I can’t help but be a little jealous!

Today was a great day for him too. When we left the school, we headed up the Hudson River a bit to grab snacks and pick up his best buddy since his first day of pre-k3 (well sort of; Kieran whacked him in the head with his head with his lunch box, then later Aidan repaid the assault by hitting him in the face with a play guitar…it’s been love every since…boys!) to go to a nearby park and join some other school friends and play in the sun. All the boys had a great time playing at what they’ve dubbed affectionately “pirate park” before we decided that we should all go take Aidan for an early birthday ice cream celebration.  Turning 6 is a big deal! The boys sang happy birthday to Aidan and then literally began climbing the wall!!  So we took them out for a run. I wish I had that much energy all the time. After ice cream we said good-bye to Cooper, Fletcher and Jennifer, who were headed home for the afternoon. While Kieran and Aidan were headed off for a DSi  play date. Really not a bad way to head off into the summer. Happy early birthday to Aidan who turns 6 in July.

Lastly, a very special thank you to Kieran’s wonderful teacher’s who do such an amazing job all year. We love you!


Liam, Kieran & Graham on the last day of kindergarten
Pirate Park
Aidan Ahoy
Aidan in the lookout tower
Below decks
Captains quarters
Throw him overboard!!!
Fletcher's off and running!

Land ahoy!

Sword fighting

Happy Birthday Aidan!
Aidan was embarrassed!

Climbing the wall
Kieran hamming it up. :)
Not sure how far they think they're going to walk here.
 Have you ever realized how important wall...
walking is to a child? We all loved it as kids.
Checking out the Hudson
Getting tired
Joined by his buddies
Little men
Best buddies on the go's good to be little! :) 

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