
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Graduation Day

This weekend was my and Kieran’s last weekend at home before we leave for our summer in Hawaii. We walked around Hoboken and went to lunch at Kieran’s favorite restaurant.  It was a last chance for the three of us to get in some quality family time. Sunday night I made Kieran’s favorite dinner, grilled chicken sandwiches with bacon and homemade spicy baked French fries. I also made Shaun and I fresh peach Bellini’s. So yummy!!! Kieran was my little helper and set the table, which was so sweet!! 

Today, Kieran officially graduated from kindergarten, making him now a big time first grader! I cannot believe how emotional today was for both he and I. Me, because my little baby is now a big kid, and I’m so very proud of him. He’s grown and learned so much this past year and looking back it’s hard to believe the year’s already over. For Kieran, it’s because he knows that he won’t see his friends and his daddy for a long time. As a parent it’s always so hard watching your child hurt in anyway, especially when it’s not something you can fix. I know when he gets to Hawaii and he’s playing on the beach and he makes new summer buddies at Punahou and get’s to Skype daddy about all of his cool new adventures that everything will be great. I just wish kissing away the boo boo’s still made things better. Of course by the end of the day my little sweet Kieran was back to his normal happy self and even talking about playing on the beach. That’s the amazing thing about kids how resilient they are and how quickly they bounce back. So congratulations to all the little graduates out there and let summer vacation officially begin!!!



A few picture I took while we were wandering around Hoboken

 A cute new little boutique that just opened with the prettiest window's 
 The loveliest flowers

Kieran's favorite restaurant
Kieran took this picture. He's quite the little photographer.
igaming while waiting to order
 Yummy chips and salsa
I love their hand painted menu's
Making the good stuff..nice and spicy!
The cool bowl the guac is served in...


 The cool tortilla hat.

  Kieran's favorite soup!
The pirate pose
 Playing while I made dinner..such a cool set up!!!

Peaches for Bellini's
Peel peaches....
chop peaches.....
add sugar and blend....
2 champagne glasses...

add puree... 
 add champagne...
 let the champagne settle.... 
 Chopping the potatoes for the french fries
chop the potatoes
 spices and oil for the fries
 add potatoes to the spices and mix
 potatoes ready to go into the oven
some of the fresh veggies
bacon cooking
crunchy bacon
one happy kiddo! :)
grilled chicken
homemade french fries
veggies for the sandwiches
Kieran & Amelia (his "girlfriend") ;)
 Kieran & his buddy Aidan
 Daddy & Kieran before the ceremony
 Me & my boy
 Heading on stage 
 Kieran with two of his class buddies, Justin & Graham
 Things are looking up!!!
Congratulations Kieran!!!

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