
Friday, June 24, 2011

To the Sea...

Just so you know the above picture is of me. Today. Why? Well, first, since I got my very cute new bike I haven’t had a chance to take it out at all because it’s rained every day. I know it’s not right to complain when you’re in paradise. So, today, I decided to just suck it up, rain be damned, and take my bike out. So, I got myself ready and I set out. I had decided I would bike to the beach, oh what a mistake. I grossly miscalculated the number of hills. I knew I was in serious trouble when I was tired before I made it to Waikiki. That said, I made it and enjoyed taking pictures of tourists enjoying their time on the beach. There was also a ton of “water traffic” today and I think I got some good shots.

My bike made me really popular, people kept coming up to me to chat and talk about my bike and then ask what I was photographing. I guess a bike that looks happy, makes people feel happy. J

The way back to Manoa was literally an uphill battle. At least one hill won! When I mentioned to a couple of people that I’d biked to the beach, they gave me looks like I’d gone mad. I totally agreed with them; when I was pushing the bike up the hill by the university, in 85 degree heat, I thought I had gone mad. I was so happy when I got to the market to pick up a few things Kieran and I needed and I was able to buy a cold bottle of water. I then headed home, making it most of the way, there was one final beast of a hill that I knew I wasn’t going to be able to bike up, so I hopped off and pushed the bike up that last final beast. But, typical Manoa weather struck at the top of the hill and it started to pour for the last 200 yards home; this time however I was thrilled it was raining. It felt brilliant!

I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to be home. I kicked off my shoes, tossed off my helmet and went straight to the bathroom to run the water for a shower, when I looked in the mirror and discovered what biking 7 very hilling miles in the wind, sun and rain will do to a person! Aren't I cute?! 

After, the excitement of my bicycle trip this morning Kieran decided I REALLY needed to try harder at building this Lego of his, so before swim lessons today, I managed to get the bottom half of a leg made properly. Ugh! Seriously, this is no longer fun! I’m tempted to take the thing back to Lego and tell them to build the bloody thing. Thank goodness for swim lessons!

Kieran loves his swim lessons. He’s having so much fun. The classes are super small. It’s just him and one little girl. They have so much fun. After swim class he always asks if he can go again tomorrow. It’s just precious. J  I got a few cute pictures before it started pouring rain. I was drenched. Seriously, I need to invest in an umbrella. Kieran and the other’s thought it was pretty funny that their mommy’s and daddy’s got all soggy. 



Waves off Waikiki
Body surfers
Beach babe

Busy day at the beach

Before swim practice

 Go Kieran! They're learning to come up for air..kind of important! LOL!

He loves his teacher!
 Hey Daddy, like my shirt?!?

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