
Monday, June 13, 2011


We’re here! Kieran and I arrived on Oahu on Friday. I have to brag for a minute and say that my little boy is a great traveler! He travels like a pro, which I suppose if you take in to account the fact that he’s been travelling regularly since he was 4 months old than I guess he sort of is.  Still, it really makes me proud! J

Friday, was pretty hazy, I was still on east coast time and we got in at 1:30pm Honolulu time (making it 7:30pm in NYC) and I’d been up since 3am. Kieran and I went and picked up our rental car and then headed to the market near the house. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to muster enough energy to go back out again. Then we made our way to the house. Friday was pretty mellow, just unloaded the bags, didn’t even bother to unpack. Kieran was pretty tired too. We both called it a night pretty early. However, he decided to wake me up at 3:30am on Saturday! Ugh! I put him back to bed. No way I was doing that two days in a row. LOL! Thanks, but no.   

Saturday, the weather was raining all over the island. So, what do you do if it’s raining? Go to the mall! Honolulu has one of the best malls! Seriously! It’s got everything, from the high-end (Hermes, Chanel, Gucci, Harry Winston, etc.) to the everyday (GAP, Forever21, Nordstrom, etc.) plus specialty stores, book stores, the food court and a centre stage that usually has some sort of fun show going on as well. Kieran like’s the mall however because they have a Lego store which is his favorite! Since the weather was bad I had a terrible migraine (seriously isn’t there a no illness/migraines clause while in paradise?) I thought the least I could do for the little man was take him to the Lego store and let him play and then pick out a new Lego. He of course chose Star Wars. I think we’re only missing like 5 of the Star Wars Lego’s now…I’m exaggerating, but it totally feels like that! But, man do Lego’s make him happy; and I have to say they are fun! J

Today the weather was awesome! So after unpacking this morning, we decided we were heading to the beach. We went to Ala Moana Beach and it was gorgeous. The water was warm, the sun was shining, the trade winds were blowing and Kieran loved splashing around in the water, and catching waves. He loves the ocean! Later in the day we walked down to the market and I took pictures. It’s such a pretty walk. We saw a few gecko’s too. Which Kieran thought was cool…so did I. It’s been a great first couple of days and I’m really excited to see where our Hawaiian adventures will take us.


We're here!!!
Kieran with our as he say's, "environmental saver" car
A show about to start at Ala Moana Mall
 Carousel ride
Giant koi...Kieran loved them!
 Happy Kieran in front of the Lego store with his new Lego's
He loved the Tower Bridge!
Safeway not joking. Well it's outside.
Making a friend
Playing in the surf.

I love this!

He's so happy!!


Sand castle building is serious business.



 Animal!! This was on a car.

 Cool hanging moss
  Clouds rolling over the mountains




 A perfect rose
 Isn't this beautiful?!

 Another gecko!
  The strangest flower I've ever seen!

 Storm clouds out the front door 
 Tree's in the front yard 


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