
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

Happy Father’s Day!! Kieran wanted to make his daddy a special card since he couldn’t be with him today. When he found out his gifts didn’t arrive at either his daddy’s house or his grandpa’s in time he was pretty upset, so we decided that we’d make a picture card for the two of them, knowing that it would get to them both on time! Kieran is very attached to both his daddy and his grandpa; he’s a boy’s boy, all the way. It’s great to watch them bonding and little bittersweet that they weren’t able to spend today together, even though I know that one day apart is irrelevant as the love is still very much there. So, a very happy father’s day to all of the dad’s and grandpa’s out there. We love you!

This has been a busy few days. Kieran had orientation for Punahou, Saturday morning. The campus is amazing! It’s more like a college campus and not surprising much like freshman year I got lost a few times. Kieran’s classes are all up in the brand new Omidyar Village which is gorgeous. I don’t think these kids realize how lucky they are…I mean the views alone! Most of the campus somehow manages to be all uphill, so it’s a great workout. Not that I image the student body is worried about that. LOL! Seniors from the Academy took us on a tour of the lower school and we were able to see where our kids were going to school and meet with their teachers. Kieran’s first class is outside in a playground/gym and looks to be a great way to start the day. His second class is just a short walk through the quad and over a cute little foot bridge to his new state of the art classroom where he will be taking math for two hours a day with his hottie math teacher(he called her this..but she’ll see). The classroom has great views of town and the tennis courts too, which is incidentally where he heads to after lunch. After we met his teach and got all the information we needed for drop-off/pick-up and catered lunches we trekked back down thru campus to guest parking, admiring how pretty everything was and the amazing views the school has. Kieran is really excited to start school on Monday and make new friends.

We went exploring another part of the island Satruday afternoon. The weather was perfect so it seemed a great day for adventuring. We headed out toward Ewa. I’ve heard that part of island can be rough,but I think it’s all about being sensible. We had a great time. We ran a few errands for school while we were over there..they have Target (they are only two on the Oahu), and then headed to the beach. We stayed for a while and then Kieran got hungry so we grabbed lunch and head back to our part of the island and our local beach. Where Kieran met a new friend and they had a great time snorkeling and duck diving under the bigger waves. The surf was high and a little rough, but they loved it! They set a play date for Tuesday after school.

Today we went for a walk and called Daddy and Grandpa to wish them both a very Happy Father’s Day! We also, had the exciting job of cleaning up the house before the first day of school tomorrow. LOL! Tonight we’re going to bbq and build Lego’s…my favorite! Ugh! LOL!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend too!



PS. My bike came this afternoon, so I took a couple picture’s of the real deal. Isn’t it cute?!

For Daddy & Grandpa!!! Love Kieranator!!!
Happy Father's Day!!
Orientation Day at Punahou
Super organized!
Campus..huge and beautiful! More like a college. I got lost 3 times!
Omidyar is the lower school village. It just opened and is incredible. He has no idea how lucky he is at all.
 Seriously?!? Spoiled!
Kieran's course even looks like a college class list..well save for the classes!
 Amazing tree trunk on campus
Kieran up at the Omidyar campus..think I spelled that right?
 Kieran's first classroom!
More of his first classroom...nice right?!

Cute little bridge that leads to Kieran's math class
 Kieran's math teacher Ms. Loo..he think's she's a hottie! LOL!
The math classes screened lanai with views of town and the tennis courts

Seriously amazing views from campus!
Pretty tree's and the solar panels that are all over..the campus has won awards for being "green"
Count Dooku invades campus
It's been really windy and the spray of the waves yesterday was very cool
 Leaf that looks like a shell
He loves snorkeling

Kieran & his new buddy

Kieran & Nicholas

 My sper duper cute new bike that finally arrived today!!!! :)
All it's missing is a basket of flowers and I fully intend on accomplishing that, by biking around the neighborhood!

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