
Friday, June 17, 2011

Grandpa & Grandma's Visit

The grandparents were in town visiting for a couple of days this week and brought with them their super cute Caviler King Spaniel, Maggie. It was a great visit and Kieran was super bummed when they had to leave and even threatened to keep Maggie (well he’s wanted a dog forever so that wasn’t much of a surprise, plus Maggie’s super cute) if they didn’t promise to come back and visit after their vacation. 

Kieran got to spend loads of time at the beach with Grandma. I took some pictures of them playing with a water torpedo (a water filled torpedo that speed up when you toss it sideways in the water). He had so much fun! He also got a bit of snorkeling in which was really funny to watch, because he kept trying to talk!!! J
I got my bike today and I can’t wait for it to be delivered!  It’s a cruiser and couldn’t be more girly if you tried!! It has a cute white basket and I even added a pink bell! I couldn’t help myself. Hee hee!! 

Kieran’s orientation for Punahou is Saturday morning. So it looks like tomorrow and Sunday are our last two officially unscheduled days. Crazy to think how fast time already seems to be passing! If that’s not enough I bought tickets for the 4th of July celebration at the Outrigger Canoe Club, for a group of us. It sounds like it’s going to be a fun evening. They’ve got a reggae band, bbq and of course the fireworks from Waikiki. It should be really fun for Kieran, as he’ll have lots of kids to pal around with that night. My friends Robin and Ania will be in town visiting and Ania is bringing two of her children with her, plus Kieran’s super cute cousin Sage will be joining us with his Auntie Tamara! So it should be a super festive 4th of July! It’s just hard to believe I already have to make plans for July. Time fly’s when you’re having fun!

I hope you’re all having an amazing summer too!


Chatting with Sage
 Auntie Tamara & Sage
A day at the beach with Grandma & Grandpa
Building a sandcastle
Grandma & Kieran sharing a giggle
Kieran with the torpedo
Tossing the torpedo
 Kieran & me

 After a fun day at the beach!
 Isn't Maggie cute?!
I could give Casper a run for his money! LOL!
 Kieran snorkeling!
It's been really windy; great sailing weather.
Last day at the beach with Grandma
Kieran snorkeling! It was so cute!!!
There are Cardinals cool!
Super hungry after swimming & snorkeling!!
The yummiest carrot bread at lunch.
 Our view at lunch

Pineapple iced good!
My new bike!!! Isn't it cute?!

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