
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Movie Day

It was rainy again today, but I’m not one to be slowed down by a little rain, particularly when it’s warm rain. However, Shaun suggested since the rain was really coming in sheets when it was coming down that we go see a movie. When I mentioned this idea to Kieran (he loves going to the movies) he was totally in; so we headed to Kahala Mall movie theatre to see Kung Fu Panda 2.  It was so cute. Fun for parents too; not just for the kiddo’s! When the trailer’s started it was hysterical watching Kieran enjoy himself. During the Cars 2 trailer I was nearly crying from laughing so hard, just from watching him. Kid’s are so much fun!

Since the grandparent’s are coming in tomorrow we decided to come back to the house and just straighten up and get ready for their visit. Kieran is super pumped to see them! I love how excited he is for their visit. I was super close to my grandma, so it’s wonderful for me to see Kieran have a great relationship with his grandparents. Especially because he only has the one set.

Kieran decided to swipe the camera today and play photographer and also get a little revenge for a mommy going a little overboard with the camera yesterday…banana picture! Then we made a late lunch together…he loves mozzarella cheese!!! J

The weather is supposed to be really nice tomorrow so hopefully I’ll have lot’s of new picture’s of our visit and adventure’s with the grandparent's!



Super cute! We had so much watching this together. 
 Fresh tomatoes...
 then add yummy avocado...
lastly add fresh mozzarella! So yummy! I like to drizzle a little bit of balsamic on mine. 

 Kieran, the next Mario Testino? 
Seriously Mommy?! I'm eating a banana is this photograph worthy? Um, yes! LOL!
 Kieran's revenge! Seriously not flattering! No more banana photo's...point taken!
My boy!! 

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